It is quite common to have CSS or JS problems after updating plugins when you keep a cache solution to increase its speed.
Auto purge WordPress cache
As part of my professional activity in the Whodunit agency, we have developed a micro plugin that automatically deletes the cache on a plugin update. Compatible with plugins:
- Wp-Rocket in three steps:
- cache purge,
- removal of minified CSS & JS data,
- and reload the cache via sitemap
- WPEngine
- W3 Total Cache
- SiteGround
<?php /** * Plugin Name: MyWP Auto-purge Rocket Cache * Description: This plugin processes automatic cache purge/preload and JS/CSS minification when plugins are updated. * Author: Magali * Author URI: * Version: 0.1 * License: GNU General Public License v3 or later * License URI: */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } function mc_auto_purge_rocket_cache( $upgrader_object, $options ) { // Begin Rocket // Purge Rocket cache if ( function_exists( 'rocket_clean_domain' ) ) { rocket_clean_domain(); } // Clear minified CSS and JavaScript files. if ( function_exists( 'rocket_clean_minify' ) ) { rocket_clean_minify(); } // Preload cache. if ( function_exists( 'run_rocket_sitemap_preload' ) ) { run_rocket_sitemap_preload(); } // End rocket // wp-super-cache if ( function_exists( 'wp_cache_clear_cache' ) ) { wp_cache_clear_cache(); } // WPEngine if ( class_exists( 'WpeCommon' ) ) { WpeCommon::purge_memcached(); WpeCommon::clear_maxcdn_cache(); WpeCommon::purge_varnish_cache(); } // w3 total cash if ( function_exists( 'w3tc_pgcache_flush' ) ) { w3tc_pgcache_flush(); } // siteground if ( function_exists( 'sg_cachepress_purge_cache' ) ) { sg_cachepress_purge_cache(); } } add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'mc_auto_purge_rocket_cache', 10, 2);